At Home in the Garden

Compost Is Good For Your Garden

If you have a garden, you want to make sure that you are keeping your garden well-fed. That will help your flowers look better and your veggies bigger. There are a lot of ways that you can make sure that your garden is getting all the nutrients that it needs to thrive. One of them is to use compost. 


This is something that you can make yourself. It is a collection of broken-down vegetation, kitchen scraps, and other organic waste matter. You put all those things in a bin, and they will start to decay. As the stuff on the bottom begins to break down, you can add more waste into the container to continue the process. You should stir or turn the compost periodically because it will help move the newer stuff down to the bottom where it can break down. As the compost breaks down, it becomes a nutrient-rich product called humus. You can put straight compost in your garden or mix the humus into the soil as you prepare your garden. To make the compost, you need to put it in something. You can use composting containers if you don't have space in your yard, but you can also use a compost bin in a designated area in your yard. 

Compost Bins

The nice thing about compost bins is that there isn't one specific way a bin should look. What defines how your compost bin looks is how you need it to function, your space, and how elaborate you want it to be. You can buy compost bins, but if you are handy, you can actually get blueprints and build your own. One of the reasons you might want to buy blueprints to build your own is that you can customize them to work better for you. The way to do this is to purchase plans that are as close to what you want as possible and then look them over. As you look them over, you can see where changes can be made to make it work better for you. You could also buy more than one plan and merge them. 

If you want a garden to be successful, one easy way to do it is to use compost. Compost is pretty much free; once you have a container for it, just taking organic waste that you would throw out anyway, and time to break it down. To learn more, contact a company such as 123 Rot.